"Thank you, but the princess is in another castle."

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Welcome to my gaming&life blog. Who am I? I question myself all the time as well. Basically I stream WoW and crave other things, I have a boring life. Yea, I know. Go through the navigation to see more. Thanks for stopping by! <3 Vm~
written on Tuesday, July 15, 2014 @ 6:50 AM | 0 notes (+)

I won't lie, I am not the bestest with keeping up with my own life and blog about it, but it is mainly because my life ends up being incredibly boring and whenever I have something planned or when I go somewhere, I either forget to take my camera with me or I simply forget to charge it beforehand. 

With the intro being so awesome, shall we continue? July is almost in the middle and will end sooner than expected *sob*. So far I could say that this is one the best summers of my life! Not even joking. Why? Because I got a new PC. And a keyboard, btw... I find myself struggling with this every day. I am not the girliest girl even though I would want to be, so I take pleasure and great joy in games and technology that revolves around it. If I had to choose, I would rather go for a new xbox or ps than 400$ to spend on clothes and makeup. But I find myself again at the same borderline of going either straight hobo and forgetting that sometimes putting on a face is normal and needed or torturing myself with daily upkeep with face and body whilst managing everything else I am supposed to do as well.

Either way I am still really excited that I have the pc, I want to try ALL the games and do as much as possible.. 

Gosh, this was a pointless blog post.. 

I went to the sea once. That is basically it.