"Thank you, but the princess is in another castle."

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Welcome to my gaming&life blog. Who am I? I question myself all the time as well. Basically I stream WoW and crave other things, I have a boring life. Yea, I know. Go through the navigation to see more. Thanks for stopping by! <3 Vm~
My new BAE
written on Thursday, June 12, 2014 @ 8:39 AM | 0 notes (+)

Hello! I know I have been tweeting about this as well as instagraming it, but I just wanted to share my joy on me blog as well! So, I finally got the phone. No more huge tablet on streams~

It came in a fabulous black box. I was ready for a white baby, but instead, I guess unfortunately, I got a black one, but I still love it no matter what! I just got myself a case before I got the phone thinking that I will be getting a white one, and the headphones as well.. umm... 

here is a pic from today with the 5mpx camera! 
The case, in case (get it?) anyone is interested, I got it from headcase on ebay for 3,15euros and I love the way it looks. 
After playing around with it and dashing my head in for the most of my last evening, I now get why BB's in this country are soooo unpopular. No one told me that there is a specific BB data plan, because I did not go to pick it up nor anyone informed the person that got it and it took me almost 7 hours to finally understand that nothing works because of incorrect data plan. So, that is getting sorted out soon, but overall, after having it for only 2 days I have completely fallen in love with it. So easy to use, nothing complicated about it. I think the only downside is the poor App World, but it is a phone after all, not an actual toy. 

That is it, I have shared my joy. Also, I just realised that it has been almost 3 weeks in a row that I have had something planned every day and I do take streaming as my second or third job.. There has been almost none close to one day during these weeks where I take a little break and relax. But this week and most of the next I am all caught up in exam works and I have enough stuff to do before the actual exam day comes. So, next Thursday I have to give in 2 exams and that takes A LOT out of me for one full day! And the next day I am working again as well as celebrating my friends graduations! Oh my.. Gotta take lots of photos to let you guys catch up with the freaking life, haha.. 
