"Thank you, but the princess is in another castle."

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Welcome to my gaming&life blog. Who am I? I question myself all the time as well. Basically I stream WoW and crave other things, I have a boring life. Yea, I know. Go through the navigation to see more. Thanks for stopping by! <3 Vm~
Why no stream on 6/11
written on Tuesday, June 10, 2014 @ 11:00 AM | 0 notes (+)

So, as some of you know, I am still studying and my profession involves a lot of work with people. There is a final summer exam coming next week and it involves creating a whole look (hair and makeup this time) that resembles an object from a picture I got. All my massive exams mean that I must get myself a model to create a look on and this is the reason why I will most likely not be able to stream tomorrow! I apologize for such late notice, but better late than never, right? For that I will try to make up on Thursday. Because of the time when my exam starts and me not living close to my school, I must try out everything before the exam so I can get a better mark and I must schedule my try-outs with the model based on whenever she is free, which obviously is tomorrow. Such try-outs usually take around an hour to two, but, since I have to finish two exams in one day, I have to double the time and try two completely different things that have absolutely nothing in common which can end up taking at least 5 hours away from my day. IF I finish it all fast enough and it is not too late, I might stream at the end of the day! This is a quick note I am leaving in hopes that you guys will understand my duty to finish school and everything that comes with it. <3