"Thank you, but the princess is in another castle."

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Welcome to my gaming&life blog. Who am I? I question myself all the time as well. Basically I stream WoW and crave other things, I have a boring life. Yea, I know. Go through the navigation to see more. Thanks for stopping by! <3 Vm~
written on Saturday, June 21, 2014 @ 9:44 AM | 0 notes (+)

Uh-oh, the crazy week is finally over! Let me just tell you that it was really hard. I almost did not get out of bed yesterday because of how tired I was. Spent most of the day in agony and pain, but got home safely and now I think I definitely deserve some time off and a little bit of relaxing. I slept for around 12 hours today and spent most of the day in bed. Actually, I am still in bed! We have been hooked on Game of Thrones and I will be so sad when it ends. No doubt that most of the people watch it just because of the dragons and the white hair girl. 

Whilst taking a rest, I also thought about recording some youtube videos and starting over. It ended with me trying to get rid of Killav.dr malware from the laptop and me basically not touching laptop anymore unless it is for streaming or blog posts. Excited for tomorrow's pewpew and I hope that everyone shows up, hehe! 

I am pretty bumped because I cannot do what I really want to and it feels like most of the free time I am having now (whole July free from school) will be wasted on nothing, because I can't make videos :( I might try to reboot my pc and have it completely wiped of everything there is left, but it still means I won't be able to play anything normal. So, not the happiest times, I must say. Still a long way to go to get the new machine.

Trying to end on a happy note, I did finish my exams. As far as I know, my first one I did extremely well, but the second one not so much. The pictures of Red Riding Hood can be found here: bytfxx.blogspot.com

Until next time! 