"Thank you, but the princess is in another castle."

thefoxx games friends archives thanks
Welcome to my gaming&life blog. Who am I? I question myself all the time as well. Basically I stream WoW and crave other things, I have a boring life. Yea, I know. Go through the navigation to see more. Thanks for stopping by! <3 Vm~
written on Tuesday, July 15, 2014 @ 6:50 AM | 0 notes (+)

I won't lie, I am not the bestest with keeping up with my own life and blog about it, but it is mainly because my life ends up being incredibly boring and whenever I have something planned or when I go somewhere, I either forget to take my camera with me or I simply forget to charge it beforehand. 

With the intro being so awesome, shall we continue? July is almost in the middle and will end sooner than expected *sob*. So far I could say that this is one the best summers of my life! Not even joking. Why? Because I got a new PC. And a keyboard, btw... I find myself struggling with this every day. I am not the girliest girl even though I would want to be, so I take pleasure and great joy in games and technology that revolves around it. If I had to choose, I would rather go for a new xbox or ps than 400$ to spend on clothes and makeup. But I find myself again at the same borderline of going either straight hobo and forgetting that sometimes putting on a face is normal and needed or torturing myself with daily upkeep with face and body whilst managing everything else I am supposed to do as well.

Either way I am still really excited that I have the pc, I want to try ALL the games and do as much as possible.. 

Gosh, this was a pointless blog post.. 

I went to the sea once. That is basically it.

written on Saturday, June 21, 2014 @ 9:44 AM | 0 notes (+)

Uh-oh, the crazy week is finally over! Let me just tell you that it was really hard. I almost did not get out of bed yesterday because of how tired I was. Spent most of the day in agony and pain, but got home safely and now I think I definitely deserve some time off and a little bit of relaxing. I slept for around 12 hours today and spent most of the day in bed. Actually, I am still in bed! We have been hooked on Game of Thrones and I will be so sad when it ends. No doubt that most of the people watch it just because of the dragons and the white hair girl. 

Whilst taking a rest, I also thought about recording some youtube videos and starting over. It ended with me trying to get rid of Killav.dr malware from the laptop and me basically not touching laptop anymore unless it is for streaming or blog posts. Excited for tomorrow's pewpew and I hope that everyone shows up, hehe! 

I am pretty bumped because I cannot do what I really want to and it feels like most of the free time I am having now (whole July free from school) will be wasted on nothing, because I can't make videos :( I might try to reboot my pc and have it completely wiped of everything there is left, but it still means I won't be able to play anything normal. So, not the happiest times, I must say. Still a long way to go to get the new machine.

Trying to end on a happy note, I did finish my exams. As far as I know, my first one I did extremely well, but the second one not so much. The pictures of Red Riding Hood can be found here: bytfxx.blogspot.com

Until next time! 

The final countdown
written on Wednesday, June 18, 2014 @ 10:01 AM | 0 notes (+)

Okay, I feel like it is finally the time to step up my game. The streams to me personally feel a little too boring, I want it to be really exciting again. Hopefully, this Sunday I get to play with the viewers, some pew pew action, you know? But when it comes to everything else, I feel more motivated and ready for youtube than ever before. So, I have found the game I will try to make everything happen with again, not saying what it is yet. Also, might test out another software for filming, since it supposedly captures everything at once (webby+game). I feel like I can make this middle summer's month really exciting for myself and for you guys as well. I will have NOTHING to do besides stream/youtube/some works all month long, which means I can burn this laptop down! (not really tho, just an expression). So not ready for tomorrow, can't find enough effs to give as well, let's just hope that it works out fine tomorrow! And then the Friday nightmare too... Let us cross our fingers in hopes that I survive the next two days. I just remembered that I cannot film in my school, because it is officially not allowed, no extra footage :( Maybe another time tho.. But the pictures! Oooh the pictures. I could do a vlog with pictures. Do you get the idea? Collage them into one massive gif? The creativity is just flowing through me!


My new BAE
written on Thursday, June 12, 2014 @ 8:39 AM | 0 notes (+)

Hello! I know I have been tweeting about this as well as instagraming it, but I just wanted to share my joy on me blog as well! So, I finally got the phone. No more huge tablet on streams~

It came in a fabulous black box. I was ready for a white baby, but instead, I guess unfortunately, I got a black one, but I still love it no matter what! I just got myself a case before I got the phone thinking that I will be getting a white one, and the headphones as well.. umm... 

here is a pic from today with the 5mpx camera! 
The case, in case (get it?) anyone is interested, I got it from headcase on ebay for 3,15euros and I love the way it looks. 
After playing around with it and dashing my head in for the most of my last evening, I now get why BB's in this country are soooo unpopular. No one told me that there is a specific BB data plan, because I did not go to pick it up nor anyone informed the person that got it and it took me almost 7 hours to finally understand that nothing works because of incorrect data plan. So, that is getting sorted out soon, but overall, after having it for only 2 days I have completely fallen in love with it. So easy to use, nothing complicated about it. I think the only downside is the poor App World, but it is a phone after all, not an actual toy. 

That is it, I have shared my joy. Also, I just realised that it has been almost 3 weeks in a row that I have had something planned every day and I do take streaming as my second or third job.. There has been almost none close to one day during these weeks where I take a little break and relax. But this week and most of the next I am all caught up in exam works and I have enough stuff to do before the actual exam day comes. So, next Thursday I have to give in 2 exams and that takes A LOT out of me for one full day! And the next day I am working again as well as celebrating my friends graduations! Oh my.. Gotta take lots of photos to let you guys catch up with the freaking life, haha.. 


Why no stream on 6/11
written on Tuesday, June 10, 2014 @ 11:00 AM | 0 notes (+)

So, as some of you know, I am still studying and my profession involves a lot of work with people. There is a final summer exam coming next week and it involves creating a whole look (hair and makeup this time) that resembles an object from a picture I got. All my massive exams mean that I must get myself a model to create a look on and this is the reason why I will most likely not be able to stream tomorrow! I apologize for such late notice, but better late than never, right? For that I will try to make up on Thursday. Because of the time when my exam starts and me not living close to my school, I must try out everything before the exam so I can get a better mark and I must schedule my try-outs with the model based on whenever she is free, which obviously is tomorrow. Such try-outs usually take around an hour to two, but, since I have to finish two exams in one day, I have to double the time and try two completely different things that have absolutely nothing in common which can end up taking at least 5 hours away from my day. IF I finish it all fast enough and it is not too late, I might stream at the end of the day! This is a quick note I am leaving in hopes that you guys will understand my duty to finish school and everything that comes with it. <3 

Hearthstone & Laptop
written on Sunday, June 8, 2014 @ 6:07 AM | 0 notes (+)

Hey thurr! So, as some saw it today, I played some WoW and Hearthstone. <- the short review of today's stream. Basically, WoW is throwing some tantrums with occasional random fps drops from 20 to 1fps and that lasts sometimes even up to a minute or two. It is getting hard to play the game normally and the overall performance of the laptop and game itself is not the greatest. To those who did not see the fb post, we are taking the laptop to get checked out soon and to simply let you guys know, when that happens, I might not be able to stream for up to a week as a minimum. At least that is the way how it usually goes, but we might get lucky and it works itself out faster. :) If anyone has any advice on how to improve the laptops performance before the checking day comes, leave a comment down below. It is a 5,9laptop from windows rating that is built for w8, but currently is running w7 because of the owners preference. It has 8GB of RAM and 2,60Ghz. In general I do not think it should be lagging on normal internet browsing occasions and should be running the game of WoW smoothly on the lowest settings! 

So, until next blog post or stream, thanks for stopping by! <3

can I?
written on Saturday, June 7, 2014 @ 10:54 AM | 0 notes (+)

First blog post? Or is it not a first anymore? I do not know what to tell you to expect. Just.. life I guess. Mainly this is just a test to see how blog template works out. HI! Leave a comment so I know you visited!